Tuesday, November 26, 2013

I am still at the KOA... just wanted to break up the read.
From Cedar point to Huntington Beach 11/24;
Great morning with coffee and fruit and everything that follows.
2 awesome roadside highlights;
The first: Im driving along "Freedom Way" Hell yeah!
I notice a subtle banner stating "RECLAIM AMERICA, VOTE, ENOUGH! tea4nc.us"
Check out the sweet "Freedom Way" sign in the bottom left, gotta love them South Carolinians
and the second awesome roadside delight was the "Ultimate Burial and Vault Co." it didnt make sense at first... then ultimatley it did.
I drove through Myrtle beach, touristy and no fun in the cold, got a slice of NY pizza and headed south to Huntington Beach state park. Nice beach, a nice swampy waterway that in warm weather has alligators.  Great small shells on the beach. the high was 36 and 25 was headed that way for the night.  i plugged in the furnace, ate a great cold weather power snack and hunkered down.
In the morning i headed out to the beach with some coffee to see the sun 
awesome, crisp, 25 degrees yet no wind.

Later in the morning on the road again, off to see Charleston SC.
A town that seems to have outgrown itself, it must have been very charming at one point, now it is packing too much into too little a space.
Off to Savannah, A great walking town. Unlike Charleston, Savannah's streets and parks are layed out in way that lends it very well to modern times and cars and tourists.  Great trees, good food, excellent people watching.
KOA South Charelston
Camped next to an adventurous fellow who is biking from Ohio to the Keys and then to the west coast (similar route and plan as my own... just on a Bike!) I made him some spaghetti, shared stories and built a fire.  Best of luck in your travels

In the night a rediculous large RV/semi pulled in
3 non lipstick shorthairs with handsome builds step out after some serious maneuvering
they imedietly commence to erect a small zoo of cages with buckets and pans... expecting the release of a wolf pack or traveling bear exhibit I was captivated.
After some really important groundwork, the release of the beasts was on
The first was 3 jack russels, then some pommeranians, Scotties, little puffballs, spaniels, mini poodles... this mega RV was now looking like a clown car.  The most robust of my new neighbors was clearly chief, though all communication was nonverbal, she was the main pooper scooper, no turd was allowed to steam on the pine straw longer that 3 seconds, we will deem her the Scatomaster.
After the smallest of the beasts had released their burdens and eagerly returned to their dormitories, the big dogs were taken out and allowed to pile on.

What a blast this road trip must be...

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